Khamis, 17 Oktober 2013

Dust Is My Bed

Dust is my bed,
embracing me,
and it is my cover
The sands are around me,
engulfing me,
even from behind me,
And the tomb recounts [ the story of ] the darkness
of my calamity
And the light has destined
that my pleasure is in meeting [Allah]

Dust is my bed, embracing me, and it is my cover
The sands are around me, engulfing me, even from behind me,
And the tomb recounts [ the story of ] the darkness of my calamity
And the light has destined
that my pleasure is in meeting [Allah]
that my pleasure is in meeting [Allah]

And where is my family's compassion?
They sold my loyalty!
They sold my loyalty!
My loyalty...
And where are my groups of friends? They left my brotherhood!
They left my brotherhood!
My brotherhood...
And where is the bliss of money? It is behind me...
And where is the glory of fame and compliments?
This is my end; dust is my bed

Dust is my bed, embracing me, and it is my cover
The sands are around me, engulfing me, even from behind me,
And the tomb recounts [ the story of ] the darkness of my calamity
And the light has destined
that my pleasure is in meeting [Allah]
that my pleasure is in meeting [Allah]

And the beloved bade farewell to his love and cried my elegy
and cried my elegy...
my elegy...
And the tear flow dried after the crying
after the crying..
the crying...
And the vast universe shrank,
narrowing my space,
And the grave with my corpse has become
my land and my sky
That is my end; dust is my bed
And fear fills my estrangement
and sadness is my illness
I hope for steadfastness, and, verily, it is
-I swear- my remedy

And to the Lord I supplicate sincerely;
You are my hope.
Hoping- O Allah- for a Paradise
that contains my bliss

And to the Lord I supplicate sincerely;
You are my hope.
Hoping- O Allah- for a Paradise
that contains my bliss

And to the Lord I supplicate sincerely;
You are my hope.
Hoping- O Allah- for a Paradise
that contains my bliss

And to the Lord I supplicate sincerely;
You are my hope.
Hoping- O Allah- for a Paradise
that contains my bliss


Sesungguhnya setiap yang hidup pasti akan menemui kematiannya, namun, kitalah yang mencipta seni kematian kita sendiri. Setiap hari kita sentiasa berada di dalam pilihan, setiap masa dan setiap waktu, sama ada untuk mengikuti jalan Iman atau Nafsu. Maka, pada setiap pilihan yang kita lakukan, akhirnya, kita akan menemui hasilnya di akhir perjalanan kehidupan kita, iaitu Syurga ataupun Neraka. 

Namun begitu, dunia ini terlalu dusta, terlalu banyak menawarkan keindahan-keindahan dan kecantikan yang sementara, dan acapkali kita tertipu dengan keindahannya lantaran lemahnya Iman kita. 

Firman-Nya lagi yang bermaksud : "Dan tiadalah kehidupan dunia ini melainkan senda gurau dan main-main. Dan sesungguhnya akhirat itulah yang sebenarnya kehidupan, kalau mereka mengetahui." (Surah Al-Ankabut ayat 64)

Oleh yang demikian, kita sangat memerlukan kepada Allah, Rabb Yang Memegang Hati setiap insan, agar terus memimpin jiwa kita untuk berada di jalan yang diredhaiNya, serta semoga Dia tidak membolak balikkan jiwa kita dan membiarkan kita terus menerus hanyut di lautan dusta dunia.

 " Wahai Rabb yang membolak balikkan hati, tetapkanlah hati kami di atas Deen Mu"

Hari Yang Indah,  Alhamdulillah. ^___^

Hamba yang mengharapkan rahmat wa maghfirah,

12 Zulhijjah 1434H bersamaan 17 Oktober 2013
Pulau Langkawi, Kedah

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